cattery joser
Contract ENG
1) The kitten is considered reserved only after introduction of the deposit - 50%.

The deposit NOT RETURNS!!!

also it is considered compensation for content of a kitten and the lost opportunities for his sale.

2) It is necessary to understand that degree of naked of a sphinx depends on many factors. A sphinx not a rubber cat, but only visibility without hair. Hair bulbs at cats of breed the Canadian sphinx are present. Hormones, climate and genetics play an important role in animal naked. Even if the kitten of the Canadian sphinx is naked during transfer, development of some hair in the future is possible. Breeder can't guarantee that the kitten of the Canadian sphinx won't have some hair in the future.

3) Breeder doesn't bear responsibility for loss of qualities of an animal because of the Owner or in case of unforeseen situations (accident, consequences of the postponed serious illness, inappropriate content, food, etc.). The quality evaluation is made at the time of transfer an animal.

4) Breeder is obliged: at desire and at the expense of the Owner before sending a kitten to the house of the Owner to invite experts from laboratory (Chance Bio or the Center of Molecular diagnostics on Zvenigorodskoye Highway) to the house for testing to a kitten on all infections interesting the Owner. In case of receiving positive tests for lethal diseases - FIP, FIV, FELV, Breeder returns to the Owner the sum of money paid for the rights of breeding use for an animal in a full size. Claims on positive tests for viruses including the Coronaviruse, aren't considered if there is no clinical picture of a disease. Is established by an animal from cattery "Joser" the live vaccines Nobivac Tricat Trio. Cats who have a live vaccine develop average antiserum capacities which remain at this level at least 4 years. (R. M Gaskell, M Bennet "REFERENCE BOOK on infectious diseases of dogs and cats").
Analyses have to be ready in 10 working days before date of departure of a kitten from cattery "Joser". If the Owner didn't use it right (item 4), then the complaints on health of a kitten aren't reviewed further.

5) Subsequently for any acquired diseases virus, bacterial, etc. genesis of Breeder doesn't bear responsibility. The owner, receiving an animal, gives the complete report to the actions, understands that the living being who can be exposed to external and internal aggressive impacts receives, accepts the fact that high-pedigree animals have no strong natural immunity and non-compliance with detention regime, a quarantine, feeding, planned vaccination, rendering the medical veterinary care, etc. can do harm to health and kitten life, responsibility for which completely lays down on the Owner.

6) We prefer that we for a kitten came personally therefore Breeder doesn't bear responsibility for quality of cargo-transportation or delivery with the courier of animals and the consequences connected with transportation. Responsibility of Breeder comes to an end at the time of transfer an animal in cargo or to the courier.

7) When sending an animal of cargo and/or with the courier Owner assumes responsibility for expenses of that, the caused stress and physiological features of high-pedigree cats and undertakes to take measures for their liquidation if necessary, being guided by Breeder recommendations.

8) The owner in the presence of Breeder (or a video if there is no opportunity to inspect an animal personally) inspected eyes, ears, mucous membranes of an oral cavity, an anus, an integument and a tail, certified their normal state, is satisfied with survey. The owner is sure and confirms that the kitten is at the time of transfer visually clinically healthy. The owner has no claims to Breeder on health of a kitten at the time of obtaining.

9) Breeder is obliged: In case of detection at a kitten of a genetic disease incompatible with life during 1 year from the moment of obtaining, by provision by the Owner of a photo of a corpse, the Act of necropsy, the Protocol of necropsy which is written down on a disk and the relevant veterinary documents (are accepted certificates only of competent specialists of the leading clinics and laboratories having official recognition at the international level, which choice is approved with Breeder) confirming the diagnosis to replace an animal with another, the same floor and quality. The expenses connected with replacement of an animal are paid by the Owner.

10) Parents of a kitten are checked and free from HCM.
Breeder gives a guarantee for replacement of an animal in case of the positive diagnosis of an animal on HCM at the age of 1 year. But only BEFORE receipt of the first kittens. The etiology of primary cardiomyopathies is up to the end not studied today. HCM a disease at cats this complex disease which cause the set of factors can be. Heritable pathology, viral diseases, autoimmune mechanisms, biochemical violations and fodder deficit (for example: taurine) can take part in development of a cardiomyopathy. In case of detection at a kitten of HCM at the age of 1 year, the Owner is obliged to inform Breeder. To provide the repeated HCM test in another clinic with another cardiologist to avoid error. (tests only of licensed cardiologists of the leading clinics having official recognition at the international level which choice is approved with Breeder are accepted). In case of confirmation of the diagnosis the Owner at own expense performs operation on castration/sterilization of an animal and receives on replacement other animal of the same floor and quality. The expenses connected with replacement of an animal are paid by the Owner.

11) Breeder gives a guarantee for a reproduction:
- if on reaching animal childbearing age ( males at least 2 years old ) it will be found out that it isn't capable to reproduction because of the deviations which are genetically caused after provision by the Owner of the relevant veterinary documents (are accepted certificates only of competent specialists of the leading clinics and laboratories having official recognition at the international level, which choice is approved with Breeder) confirming the diagnosis after transaction of sterilization/castration at the expense of the Owner to replace a defective animal, with another, the same floor and quality.

12) Inability of an animal to a reproduction is established by the doctor who is a specialist in a reproduction of animals in the Center of a reproduction (certificates only of competent specialists of the leading clinics and laboratories having official recognition at the international level which choice is approved with Breeder are accepted),
Inspection on a reproduction includes:
- Survey and Conclusion of the doctor of the specialist in a reproduction of animals;
- The cytologic analysis of allocations from a vagina;
- Ultrasonography of bodies of urinogenital system;
- Analyses on existence of chronic viral infections (FIV, FELV, FIP, ureaplasmosis, clamidiosis, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, Campylobacteriosis);
- A spermogram for males.

13) The owner promises: - to contain an animal in a quarantine within 14 days;
The owner understands and agrees that cats can be carriers of viruses of a kalitsiviroz, rhinotracheitis (herpes), a coronavirus, clamidiosis, mycoplasmosis, etc. Cats of breed the Canadian sphinx are received by the snugged mutation causing lack of wool therefore breed has no strong natural immunity. The animal can have a stress from moving, change of the habitat that leads to immunity fall.
The owner undertakes not to make a claim on health of an animal of Breeder and to give help to an animal in case of need under the direction of Breeder.
The owner understands and agrees that at the time of transfer the animal is clinically healthy that the form No. 1 the granted GVU MO "The Lyubertsy station on fight against diseases of animals" is confirmed by the veterinary certificate. The owner understands and agrees that Breeder is interested in participation of an animal in breeding work in the Owner's cattery, and the Owner in case of survey (or a video) an animal, and also based on data of the veterinary reference (f.1), was convinced and agrees that Breeder took all necessary actions for preserving health of an animal in cattery "Joser".
The owner agrees that responsibility of Breeder for health of an animal comes to an end in date of transmission of an animal to the Owner, to the courier or air carrier (cargo), and the claim of the Owner on health of an animal from this point aren't accepted including in a case of an animal during a quarantine.

14) - at emergence of questions to address for explanations Breeder and to follow his recommendations;
- at emergence of any problems with an animal which could lead to a disputable situation between the parties subsequently, first of all inform Breeder.
Upon the demand of Breeder the Owner is obliged to provide video of an animal. And video maintenance (for identification of an animal) in clinics at repeated researches if Breeder can't be present at inspection personally. ;
- never to use unchecked information from incompetent sources (the Internet, other manufacturers of breed, or people of those considering, etc.) for rendering the veterinary help or the choice of the program for contents and/or feeding of a specific animal. This information will be provided in full Breeder in process of emergence at the Owner of such need.
At non-compliance by the Owner with recommendations of Breeder, Breeder doesn't bear responsibility for the harm done to an animal.

15) The owner has the right for return of an animal of Breeder in any time from the moment of receiving with preliminary coordination of the fact and term of return, but without receiving the sum of money which is earlier paid for transfer of rights of breeding use and without compensation for his contents.

16) Payment for assignment of rights of breeding use from cattery "Joser" doesn't return to an animal under no circumstances. Replacement of an animal in case of accomplishment by the Owner is possible subitem: 9, 10,11,12.

17) The Owner pays all payments connected with money transfer, with delivery of animals from cattery "Joser" to the house of the Owner, acquisition of a container for transportation, paperwork and other necessary in addition. Including when replacing an animal (in case of a disputable situation) the expenses connected with return of an animal and receipt of a new animal are paid by the Owner. The delivery price is always paid by the Owner.

18) Conditions of assignment of rights of breeding use on an animal:
These provisions are caused by the high breeding value of the above-stated animal.
The contract of assignment of rights of breeding use for an animal from cattery "Joser" is mixed and contains the terms of the contract of purchase and sale of an animal which are regulated chapter 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the term of the contract of transfer of an exclusive right of use of a breeding animal which according to Art. 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (application of the civil legislation by analogy) is regulated by Art. 7 of the Federal law "About Breeding Livestock Production" according to which use of breeding products (material) as an object of exclusive rights (intellectual property) is allowed as it should be, stipulated by the legislation.
The owner acquires the right of breeding use to an animal from cattery "Joser" with the restrictions provided by terms of the contract (items 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24). Upon termination of breeding work and after provision of a photo of castration/sterilization in cattery "Joser" on e-mail:, an animal passes into COMPLETE PROPERTY of the Owner and action of this agreement as regarding assignment of rights of breeding use, and purchase and sale stops. Assignment of rights of breeding use on an animal from cattery "Joser" doesn't pursue the aim of receipt of commercial benefit from Breeder. The purpose of assignment of rights of breeding use is further breeding work of the above-stated animal in the Owner's cattery.
Violation of any of the restrictions provided by terms of the contract violates the rights of Breeder and does harm to cattery "Joser".

19) The animal will bear the name cattery "Joser" throughout life that shall be reflected in any documents and registration. When using a photo of an animal as any advertizing the complete nickname of an animal with the cattery "Joser" prefix surely is specified. The owner undertakes to place an animal photo with indication of his complete nickname with the cattery "Joser" prefix on the website no later than 30 days from the moment of receipt of an animal.

20) This animal is transferred to the Owner for breeding work in closed like private cattery only for personal use. The owner undertakes not to open male from cattery "Joser" for public use and not to provide male for other females from others catteryes.
The owner undertakes to work with male from cattery "Joser" only with females directly to it belonging (purchased and belonging to the Owner or given rise in the Owner's cattery).

21) The owner undertakes not to sell kittens from the producer received in cattery "Joser" to Russia and ALL former republics of the USSR for breeding work. Sale of eunuchs (transaction on castration/sterilization the Owner will see to transfer of a kitten to the new buyer) as pets, to any region without restrictions is possible.

22) The owner understands and agrees that the third party can't transfer the rights to breeding work!!! The owner undertakes to castrate/sterilize the animal received in cattery "Joser" upon termination of breeding work.
To provide a photo of castration/sterilization on e-mail:

23) In case of non-execution of any point of the above-stated conditions, the Owner undertakes to pay a penalty in the amount of 2 prices for the right of breeding use to an animal to Fedosova Yulia Yurevna, the head of cattery "Joser" not later than within one month from the moment of violation identification at least 1 of conditions of use of a breeding animal from cattery "Joser".

24) In case of impossibility to pay a fine, the above-stated animal returns to cattery "Joser" on the first demand of. Delivery is paid by the Owner.

25) Non-execution by the Owner of any of terms of this agreement exempts Breeder from all liabilities.

26) Having received a breeding animal from cattery "Joser", the Owner confirms that he understands, agrees and accepts all terms of this agreement of the Offer.

27) In case of confrontation, public scandal or a defamation of reputation of Fedosova Julia and cattery Joser, including information transfer to the third parties, Breeder exempts itself from all obligations, including replacement and any sort of compensation.

* The owner is warned and completely agrees that by the existing rules cattery "Joser" and according to "The marine life protection act of the rights of consumers" (it is APPROVED by the resolution No. 55 of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998), the purchased animals aren't subject to exchange and return.

** Upon the demand of Breeder the Owner is obliged to provide video of an animal. And video service (for identification of an animal) in clinics at researches (including repeated) if Breeder can't be present at a research personally.

*** Cattery Joser temporarily from March 01 2022 withdraws its obligations on a public offer in connection with the sanctions policy against Russia.

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