cattery joser
BAST CENTER ( WAC World Assotiation Cats ):
You can get on the canal according to the link in the left top corner to video
BAST CENTER ( WAC World Assotiation Cats ):
You can get on the canal according to the link in the left top corner to video
Collective cattery of naked cats "Joser" suggests to
get acquainted with unique breeds of naked cats:
Canadian sphinx, Bambino and the Elf.
All the photos placed on a site are the property sphinx cattery «Joser». Any reproduction, copying or commercial use of these photos should be coordinated in writing with sphinx cattery «Joser».
The mythical mysterious being surrounded with an aura of secrets of the ancient world.
The pose, stone look stiffened, full of nobility, - all image of the Canadian sphinx is filled
with wisdom of the millennia. Cats of breed "the Canadian sphinx" - live heritage of ancient culture, one of the most amazing and mysterious cat breeds. The eye of their wise huge eyes, apparently, is turned in eternity. Even minutes of rest these cats not movably – are graceful, as if ancient statues on ladders of Luxor.

Kittens of breed "the Canadian sphinx" are curious, playful and sociable. You will never start missing near these restless rascals. Playful temper, vigor and sense of humour fully remain and with adult Canadian sphinxes along with good-natured character and boundless devotion.
What you did, your favourite a sphinx will be glad to be simply nearby, and if you pay it attention, present the warm word or a tender touch, the Canadian sphinx

Kittens of breed "the Canadian sphinx" are curious, playful and sociable. You will never start missing near these restless rascals. Playful temper, vigor and sense of humour fully remain and with adult Canadian sphinxes along with good-natured character and boundless devotion. What you did, your favourite a sphinx will be glad to be simply nearby, and if you pay it attention, present the warm word or a tender touch, the Canadian sphinx will be immensely happy!
The Canadian sphinx will squint from pleasure, as if from the bright spring sun. Warm, gentle pads of a sphinx will follow about you everywhere, to rejoice and long together with you. Cats of breed "the Canadian sphinx" it is very thin feel your mood. In the house where there lives the Canadian sphinx, always light-and it is joyful. Because the Canadian sphinx is created to give smiles and good mood

One more surprising breed of naked cats with which you can also get acquainted in our cattery. Bambino's breed was formed as a result of crossing of the Canadian sphinx and a manchkin. From sphinxes these kids inherited total absence of wool, and from manchkin – short pads. In translation from the Italian Bambino means - "kid". This name very much suits these playful, naive and touching kittens bambino. Which even at adult age look childishly, with their surprisingly trustful attractive face and amusing gait.

Despite short pads, Bambino are graceful and mobile, move quickly and easily, jump and play as carefree little monkeys. From the Canadian sphinx of Bambino inherited tender character, love and attachment to people, inquisitiveness and friendliness. If you want to have the tender and devoted friend – please yourself with acquisition of a kitten of Bambino!
Cats have a unique appearance. Large eyes, a rounded head, a short muzzle, prominent cheekbones and huge ears like butterfly wings make them look like elves. The body of Devon Rex is covered with thin, tender, soft wool with a small short wave. Devon Rex has a keen interest in everything around it. Devon Rex is usually very active, playful, striving for close contact with a person.

Devon Rex is usually very active, playful, striving for close contact with a person. Their behavior is jokingly described as something between a cat, a dog and a monkey. "Monkey in cat costume." Devon Rex is actively playing at any age. Cats of this breed have the traits usually inherent in dogs: they can be taught to perform tricks, bring objects. A characteristic feature of behavior - Devon Rex like to climb a person on his shoulders, sit on his neck, be closer to the face of the owner.
The Devon Rex - a symbol of love and laughter.
I hope that unusual kittens of breeds:
Canadian sphinx, Bambino and Devon Rex
won't leave you indifferent!
Kittens from cattery "Joser" - a worthy gift and magnificent decoration of your house!

Yours faithfully, Julia - Supervisor of cattery "Joser".
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